This is my new plane. What do you think? Is it too big...too flashy...too "airline-y" perhaps?
Yeah, I thought as much. I need something more personalized, more attuned to my sense of style - something more inexpensive and idealistic maybe. Like a ticket for a flight on a plane. Yeah!
And while we're on the topic, let's make that a window seat. Window seats are like the hot tubs of the airline world. When sitting in one, you can't help but smile and be happy.

In fact, there's a lot of things in life that are like that.
Things like family and friends, good music, movies, and home and garden magazines...scenic country roads, wide open skies, and horses picturesquely standing in their pastures...long walks to nowhere with the wind blowing in your hair...the smell of rain and the sight of thunderclouds on the horizon, the scent of honeydew and black cherry scented candles...hot showers and sleeping in on Sundays.
I could go on, but I'll stop there. My heart can't take it!

Over the past couple of months, many things have happened. Out of these, the two things that stick out the most are: I've started classes and I've celebrated my 20th birthday. Yay!
Oh, and I've seen snow. So, that's three.
Oh, and I've seen the beginning beauty of Spring. So, that's four.
Oh, and by the end of this year, I will have been to more concerts than you can count on one hand. So, yeah...take that fun police! Haha.
While time moves at at unpredictably fast pace, I believe it's important to try to stay in the present. It's easy to get carried away thinking about the future, or talking about the past...to plan for the coming seasons, or long for those that have come and gone...to dream of all the places you want to go, and remember all those where you have been.
But right now I am here, at home...and there's nowhere else I'd rather be. So, until I write again, I'll be here...in my window seat, on my plane, looking out on and living life.
Trying ardently not to think about the handsome cowboy in the isle seat. Maybe I'll let him share the view. We'll see. :-)
All my love, ~April~
"Life takes us places...Love brings us home." ~Unknown~
"And will you succeed? Yes! You will, indeed! (98 and 3/4 percent guaranteed.)" ~Dr. Seuss~