

Hi Everyone, I know it's been awhile since my last post, but I have a very good explanation....I'm in Washington (Vashon Island, Washington to be exact)! So, what happened between my last post and this post, you ask? Well, let's see, my decision to spend the second half of the summer working as an intern at a lavender farm on Vashon Island, a lot of planning and packing, a plane ride, a metro bus ride (a first for me), and a ferry ride (a second for me). In between all of that, I managed to take a few pictures, and I hope to take many more! Here are some of them.
The clouds from the plane:

The beach at the Fauntleroy Ferry dock (on the WA coast):

The sunset from the ferry with the Olympic Mountains far in the background:

The Olympic mountains (again). It was getting quite cold and breezy, but the view was beautiful:

A view of the lavender field at Lavender Hill Farm (where I'm interning at):

Well, it's getting late, and I see a nice, cozy bed calling my name. I have many more pictures to share, and many more pictures to take, so please check back, as I will try my hardest to update as often as possible. Have a great day! And if possible, try to see, smell, and pick some lavender this summer....you won't regret it. ~April~


Who let the cats out?

Fairly recently, we put in our first umbrella clothesline at my house. Both my mom and I have come to really enjoy it. And so have my two cats. You see, we put the clothesline right outside the back door from where they have their "Cat Condo" (aka the garage), so whenever we go out there to hang clothes, they love to lounge by the open door, peer outside, and feel the cool (or, since this is Texas, warm) breeze in their fur. But, seeing as how they have been indoor cats for the past 6 or 7 years, it makes sense that they have approached this new environment (the outdoors) very cautiously. That is why I was surprised to see Alexis (one of my cats) sitting on the back door step when I turned around from clothes pinning something.

She actually went out as far as 5 feet from her "condo". Now I guess I'll really have to keep an eye on her...my little "aventuradora" (adventurer)!

Some of you may be wondering "But, what if she decides to go another 5 feet, and another, until one day she has run away?" Let me just say, my dad doesn't call her "big butterball" for nothing...she loves her food, as you can probably tell from these pictures, and that among many other reasons is why I think that this is just her idea of having an "aventura" of her own.

Now, it wouldn't be fair to Montana, my other cat, to only mention Alexis (they're sisters). So, even though she still gazes outside, and has yet to step outside, here is a picture of my little (yes, that's the wrong adjective, but that's what makes it a nickname) "aventuradora" in training.

Have a great 4th of July! ~April~